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Frequently Asked Questions

Our organization is requesting for general operating costs to maintain our current situation. Is that an appropriate grant request to Pablo Foundation?


Answer: Likely not. Pablo Foundation’s mission to is fund innovative and transformative elements of housing, health, education, and the arts with strong commitments to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability. We are excited to become partners in new projects or ideas that will help better change the greater Eau Claire area, but a grant request to cover general operating costs to sustain the organization and its current activities will likely be denied. 


What does "funding impact in the greater Eau Claire area" mean?


Answer: Pablo Foundation’s focus is to ensure its grants directly impact the residents living within the general Eau Claire area. This means we may fund organizations physically located outside of the Eau Claire area but only upon proof that Eau Claire residents benefit from those services and the impacts are felt locally. 


Can we expect Pablo Foundation to be an annual donor? 


Answer: Likely not. Larger grants may be set up as multi-year grants, but Pablo Foundation does not make annual commitments to any organizations. Each grant request is received and reviewed independently and should be submitted as appropriate based on the project’s timeline. We like to see grant funds be fully expended within a one-year period. If a project’s timeline is more than a year out, we request organizations hold off on submitting their requests until closer to the project’s start date. 


Can we run an idea by you to ensure a stronger likelihood of success before submitting a grant application?


Answer: Yes! We highly encourage you to reach out to Pablo Foundation’s Grants and Communications Administrator, Zach Schultz-Bates, to discuss grant proposals prior to submitting them. This will save you time and give you a better idea of whether your grant proposal is likely be funded by Pablo Foundation prior to you submitting.

What is a Grant Report and why are we required to submit one?


Answer: A Grant Report provides a summary and overview of a project once it is finished and/or as it is in progress. A Grant Report is required for each Pablo Foundation grant; if you have been awarded a Grant, the Grant Report is attached to your award letter (where you can also find when your Grant Report is due). The Grant Report allows us to measure the impact of the Foundation’s grant dollars to ensure we continue the Foundation’s mission and commitments to building a better Eau Claire area. While sometimes projects and new funding initiatives may overlap, we would like to receive the Grant Report for previously funded grants before we consider new requests.


What kind of requests are appropriate for the Business Directed Giving grants? 

Answer: Our BDG Program allows and empowers Pablo Group’s Care Committee to have direct input in recommending organizations or programs for Pablo Foundation to support. Requests for the Care Committee to consider must still fall within the health, housing, education, and arts pillars that Pablo Foundation supports. Requests are capped at $2,000 per quarter unless applicants can provide strong financials to substantiate a higher amount. 


What about grants greater than $2,000 but less than $10,000?


Answer: We currently do not have a program in place to provide funding for requests greater than $2,000 but less than $10,000. We highly recommend that you look into some of the other great resources offered in our community for this funding level. 


What information are you looking for in the Budget section of your grant application? 


Answer: We are interested in understanding the big financial picture of your project or proposal, and where we potentially fit in. We want a comprehensive understanding of the total cost for the project, a breakdown of what Pablo Foundation is requested to fund, and how other potential funders fill in. We like to see multiple sources of funding and assurance that the project will be self-sustaining and financially viable into the future. 


Can my organization apply for a grant if it’s not a charitable organization with a current 501(c)(3) status?


Answer: An organization may apply for a Pablo Foundation grant only if it’s a current charitable organization with a 501(c)(3) designation or an organization utilizing a fiscal sponsor recognized as a current charitable organization with a 501(c)(3) designation. A fiscal sponsor is different from a fiscal agent. A fiscal agent simply acts as a pass-through financial conduit, whereas a financial sponsor is heavily involved in the non-charitable organization’s activities and decision-making processes. Each situation is unique, and we highly recommend you reaching out to us prior to submitting a grant application utilizing a fiscal sponsor. 

131 S. Barstow St.

Suite 202 ● PMB 1603

Eau Claire, WI 54701

© 2024 Pablo Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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