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Community Feature Archives

Learn about the events, nonprofits, and projects from our past community features. To read our current community feature, click here.

December 2024: Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

An infographic with the words “Family Resource Center” and “Imagination Library.” Pablo Foundation’s logo appears underneath a larger log for Dolly Parton’s Imagination library, which pictures a steam engine train comprised of books.
Text reading, “Pablo Foundation has been financially powering the Family Resource Center’s partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library for the last two years. Now, we have a plan to make it last forever.”
A quotation from the Family Resource Center reading, “Dolly Parton Imagination Library [is] the world’s largest literacy initiative for children ages 0-5... Each child enrolled in the program receives an age-appropriate book once a month in the mail, at no cost to families. Through its local affiliates like the FRC, the program supports literacy for every child, regardless of income.”
Text reading, “In coordination with Pablo Foundation, Eau Claire’s Family Resource Center is partnering with BrandRaise to launch a $1.6 million endowment fundraising campaign to allow the Imagination Library to become a permanent part of life for families with young children in Eau Claire County.”
A quotation from MaiVue Xiong, Executive Director of Pablo Foundation. The quotation reads, “Pablo Foundation is committed to transformational change in Eau Claire, which is exactly what this education initiative represents. This innovative multi-year project supports our trusted nonprofit partner, the Family Resource Center, as they work to make the Imagination Library self-sustaining in our community.”
Text reading, “As we close out 2024 and enter 2025, we’re thrilled to see Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library continue to bloom and grow in our community. For more information on how to support the Dolly Parton Imagination Library endowment campaign or to get involved, please contact the Family Resource Center at”
November 2024: Transgender Awareness Week

An infographic with text stating that November 13-19, 2024 is Transgender Awareness Week. Beneath the text is Pablo Foundation’s logo in pink. The infographic and all following images feature a theme of white, blue, and pink, the colors of the Transgender Pride Flag.
A quotation from GLAAD reading, “Transgender Awareness Week is a week when transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the trans community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community.”
Text reading, “Transgender Awareness Week is observed each year between November 13 and 19 in advance of Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), which is held each year on November 20.”
Text reading, “Transgender Day of Remembrance annually recognizes and mourns the trans, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people who lost their lives to anti-trans violence. TDOR was founded in 1999 in honor of Rita Hester, a Black trans woman who was murdered the year prior..” A photograph of Rita Hester is featured; she is a Black woman wearing her voluminous hair in an updo with several strands of pearls around her neck. She looks directly into the camera with her hands posed delicately by her face.
A quotation from Kayla Johnson (she/her), Executive Director of the Chippewa Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center. The first part of the quotation reads, “Building understanding of the lived experiences of and inequities faced by transgender community members is a vital first step for anyone who wants to be a good friend [or] neighbor or [to] be more supportive of loved ones.”
The quotation continues, “Everyone deserves the chance to live as their authentic self in peace and to live a life filled with love rather than to face hate and misunderstanding.”
Text reading, “This year’s commemoration comes amid a flood of politicians and pundits from both dominant corporate parties choosing to abandon their responsibility to protect their constituents. On social media, on the news, and elsewhere, we continue to see empty suits slinging misinformation and outright lies about transgender people and particularly trans healthcare.”
Text reading, “Trans people—like all people—are infinite in their inherent dignity and their importance to humankind. We embrace, advance, and promote the rights of our transgender friends, family, and neighbors, particularly trans youth who are a current favorite target of anti-trans hatemongers.”
Text reading, “It is a moral imperative to educate others and take action to advocate for trans people. Talk to the people you know. Confront misinformation. Promote human kindness.”
Text reading, “Trans people have been around as long as the construct of gender has, and they aren’t going anywhere. Join us in celebrating their lives, protecting their rights, and promoting their wellbeing.”
October 2024: Eau Claire's Hmong New Year Celebration

An infographic cover with Pablo Foundation’s logo; text reading, “ECAHMAA Hmong New Year”; and a photograph of a smiling Hmong American family in traditional Hmong clothing.
An infographic with a photograph of traditional Hmong embroidery and text reading: It’s back! After a five-year hiatus, Eau Claire will celebrate Hmong New Year again, presented by the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association (ECAHMAA) and sponsored in part by Pablo Foundation.
An infographic with text reading: The celebration will span the course of two days (October 26th and 27th) from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the newly opened Sonnentag Event Center. Attendees can expect a veritable bevy of attractions, from live music, food, shopping, and cultural exhibits to a variety of performances throughout.
An infographic a photograph of young Hmong American performers in traditional Hmong clothing and text reading: Hmong New Year celebrates the breadth and depth of Hmong cultural heritage and traditions, and the entire community is invited to learn, connect, and celebrate together. The event is $7 per person or free for children under 10 and seniors 55 and older.
An infographic with a quotation reading: “The Hmong New Year celebration is vital for our community as it helps them connect with their roots and cultural identity, fostering a sense of pride and belonging.” - True Vue, ECAHMAA Executive Director
An infographic with the quotation continued, reading: Personally, it serves as a meaningful opportunity to celebrate our heritage, share traditions, and strengthen community bonds, ensuring that our rich history and values are passed down to future generations.” - True Vue, ECAHMAA Executive Director
An infographic with a promotional banner for Hmong New Year and text reading: And you won’t want to miss out on Saturday’s Night Party from 7 p.m. to midnight! You can learn more about the weekend’s festivities at:
An infographic with a map of available parking areas near the venue and text reading: If the Sonnentag parking lot is full, you can park in the Carson Park lot and take a shuttle bus to the event.
An image of the promotional poster for Hmong New Year.
September 2024: Gathering of the Waters Powwow

An infographic with a picture of woods opening onto a river with the words: gathering of the waters powwow and health fair
An infographic reading: Mayo Clinic Health System’s Supporting Indigenous Peoples Mayo Employee Resource Group (MERG) will host their inaugural event, the Gathering of the Waters Powwow, on September 21, 2024 in Carson Park. The event will last from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with a grand entry at 1:00 and a closing ceremony at 5:00.
An infographic reading: Gathering of the Waters Powwow will feature a health fair, artist workshops, food trucks, and education resources. The organizers want the event to be as inclusive as possible, so it’s free of charge and open to all to inspire indigenous communities and allies to “come together in celebration and learning.”
An infographic reading: With sponsorship support from Pablo Foundation and others, Supporting Indigenous Peoples MERG hopes the health- and healing-focused powwow will reduce barriers to access “by providing education about health topics of importance to Indigenous communities in a safe, welcoming, and culturally appropriate manner.”
A flyer with details of Gathering of the Waters Powwow
August 2024: Nonprofit Empowerment Workshop Series

An image with text reading, "Eau Claire Area NEW Series: Nonprofit Empowerment Workshop Series (NEW Series)"
After over a year of gathering stakeholder input, Pablo Foundation will soon begin hosting a series of workshops designed for local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations⏤completely free of charge.
In 2023, Pablo Foundation gathered survey responses from over 50 area organizations to help us understand local nonprofit needs. To determine our next steps, we formed a Nonprofit Steering Committee consisting of Pablo Foundation board members and staff and members of the wider nonprofit community.
Our steering committee members provided a well-rounded perspective of multiple voices. They volunteered extensive time and expertise collaborating on how best to help our nonprofit neighbors solve their challenges and thrive into the future.
Our Nonprofit Empowerment Workshop Series (NEW Series) is now ready to start offering programming! Our approach is two-pronged: we’ll offer both comprehensive and targeted workshops.
Comprehensive workshops are designed for a wide audience of anyone who works or volunteers for an eligible local nonprofit. Targeted workshops will offer programming specific to relevant participants with topics only applicable to some individuals in a nonprofit.
Workshop participation will be limited to eligible individuals. You need to work or volunteer for a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that aligns with Pablo Foundation’s commitments to anti- discrimination and equity, diversity, and inclusion. Read more at
Stay tuned for invitations to our inaugural session, a comprehensive workshop on burnout! We’ll be in touch soon.
July 2024: The Sonnentag Complex

An infographic with text that reads: UW-Eau Claire: The Sonnetag. There is an artist’s rendering of an aerial view of the Sonnetag Complex, a sprawling modern building overlooking a river and featuring lots of walkways and green spaces.
Set on Menomonie Street against the backdrop of the Chippewa River, the nearly-complete Sonnentag Complex will house an event facility with capacity for 5,000 people, UW-Eau Claire facilities, a Mayo Clinic Health System location, a fieldhouse, parking, and room for expansion.
This project represents the commitment to partnership between UWEC and the wider community, including Pablo Foundation. There is an artist’s rendering of a ground view of a portion of the Sonnetag Complex with its warmly-lit entrance, some walkways, pedestrians and bicyclists, and cars.
As we wrote in our 2022 Annual Report, “To boldly combat climate change, our board challenged the University of Eau Claire, and it came through with designing the first of its kind, all-electric, 100% carbon-free event center that will utilize a high-efficiency ground geothermal vertical well system, powered by a local solar source.”
For our efforts in sustainability, particularly with the Sonnentag Complex, the City of Eau Claire’s Sustainability Advisory Committee honored Pablo Foundation with the 2023 Sustainable Eau Claire Award for Outstanding Organization. There is a photograph of an award made out of wood with wood-burning details of the words “2023 Sustainable Eau Claire Award” set in the center of a wood-burned view of the rings of a tree. Beneath the art are the words “Pablo Foundation: Outstanding Organization: City of Eau Claire Sustainability Advisory Committee” along with the logo of the City of Eau Claire.
June 2024: Farm to Food Bank

An infographic with text that reads: Feed My People Food Bank's Farm to Food Bank Program. At the bottom of the infographic is Pablo Foundation's logo.
An infographic with text that reads: One of Pablo Foundation’s 2023 grant awards supported the Farm to Food Bank (FFB) program at Feed My People (FMP) Food Bank in Eau Claire. FFB uses produce from local and regional farmers to provide nutritious fresh food for individuals in our community and for the agency partners FMP serves.
An infographic with text that reads: These partnerships with area growers also benefit the local economy and help connect culturally appropriate fresh food with diverse members of our community. Suzanne Becker, FMP’s executive director, says “We now have a local Hmong farmer who is growing fresh produce that will be given weekly to Feed My People.”
An infographic with text that reads: FMP then delivers that produce to the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association (ECAHMAA) to distribute through their food pantry. Becker calls this “a true win for all involved and... a window into what we want to do more of with culturally appropriate fresh food.” ECAHMAA values this support and has already seen dividends.
n infographic with text that reads: ECAHMAA has “strategically aligned its food pantry offerings to reflect the dietary preferences of the Hmong community,” says True Vang, the organization’s executive director. With FMP’s Farm to Food Bank program, “sourcing vegetables directly from Hmong farmers [has brought about] an increase in the participation of the Hmong community in accessing our food pantry.”
An infographic with a line-art image of a field, crops, and a scarecrow beneath text that reads: This program has already seen an abundance of success. You can donate to and learn more about FMP at and ECAHMAA at
May 2024: Stand in the Light Memory Choir

Pablo Foundation proudly supports Stand in the Light Memory Choir.


Stand in the Light Memory Choir serves our community by bringing together and empowering people with memory loss alongside their care partners.


Stand in the Light will hold their upcoming “Summer Sings” series on July 11, 18, and 25 from 9:45 to 11:00 a.m. at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Eau Claire. Each event is free and open to the public.

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Stand in the Light Memory Choir’s fall semester begins August 22. To learn more, donate, or get in touch with the choir, please visit

Summer Sings 2024.jpg.webp
April 2024: Youth of the Year Gala (Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Chippewa Valley)

The Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Chippewa Valley held their annual Youth of the Year Gala in April.


In addition to speeches from BGC youth, the gala featured a silent auction, dinner, and more. Proceeds benefit programming and operations for the local clubs under the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Chippewa Valley’s umbrella (Altoona, Black River Falls, Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, and Menomonie).

Boys & Girls Club 1.png


The event celebrates young people in our area and serves as a fundraiser to spread awareness of the organization’s mission, which is “to inspire and enable all youth, especially those that need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.”

Pablo Foundation is an active supporter of the Boys & Girls Club through grant funding for the Lee & Mary Markquart Center, which will house the Teen Program Center.


To learn how you can support the BGC of the Greater Chippewa Valley, please visit

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March 2024: Scholarships for Extracurriculars with Village

From Village's press release:


"We at Village are delighted to announce that Pablo Foundation has generously awarded Village $15,000 toward subsidizing registration fees of extracurricular activities for youth ages 0-18.

100% of this grant will fund scholarships on, which means 100% will go to small businesses in the community that provide extracurricular activities.

An image of text that says, “Scholarships for Extracurriculars: Pablo Foundation & Village”

Our goal has always been to make high-quality extracurriculars available to ALL youth, no matter their financial background. Pablo Foundation is helping us continue to make that a reality in the Chippewa Valley.


Help us make sure no child in the Chippewa valley is without extracurriculars: contact our founder at to learn more about making a tax deductible donation to this cause.


An image of text that says, “Pablo Foundation & Village”
February 2024: Transit Equity Day

Earlier this month, the City of Eau Claire—and the nation at large—celebrated Transit Equity Day.


The City of Eau Claire writes, “Transit Equity Day is a national day of action held each year in honor of Rosa Parks’s birthday (February 4) to elevate the message that public transit should be safe, sustainable, and equitable for all people and communities.


An image containing a title reading "Transit Equity Day," a line drawing of Rosa Parks along with a digital scan of her signature, Pablo Foundation's logo, text reading "February 4th, 2024," and a graphic of a diverse group of people at a bus stop, including people of multiple skin colors, clothing styles, and abilities.

Created by a network of labor unions in 2017, the holiday has steadily increased in recognition in the years since.


“Initiatives taken by Eau Claire Transit to ensure equitable access to transportation include Designated Trip Passes for unhoused people in our community, Income-Qualifying and Reduced Fare cards and buses that kneel at the curb making them easier to board by those using mobility devices.” (City of Eau Claire)


You can read more, including the City of Eau Claire’s proclamation for Transit Equity Day 2024, at

An image containing several items: a title reading "Transit Equity Day," a line drawing of Rosa Parks along with a digital scan of her signature, Pablo Foundation's logo, text reading "February 4th, 2024," a photograph of people in Eau Claire celebrating Transit Equity Day 2024, and a quotation from the City of Eau Claire reading, "Transit Equity Day is a national day of action held each year in honor of Rosa Parks’s birthday... to elevate the message that public transit should be safe, sustainable, and equitable for all people and communities."
January 2024: Permanent Supportive Housing for Veterans

Chippewa Valley Habitat for Humanity has received a $300,000 grant from Pablo Foundation for the development of a veterans housing complex near downtown Eau Claire.


This project will create 11 new units (12 beds) of affordable and accessible housing for veterans at risk for or currently experiencing homelessness.

Pablo Foundation’s grant provides funds for asbestos abatement, preparatory work on a community room, and installation of an elevator.


The elevator in particular will “ensure that Veterans who use wheelchairs are afforded the right to fully participate in community with their neighbors and access shared amenities such as laundry.” (CVH4H Press Release)


Pablo Foundation encourages you to answer CVH4H’s call to help make this dream a reality moving forward.

Visit or to learn how you can make a difference!

December 2023: HIV/AIDS Awareness Month

HIV/AIDS Awareness Month begins each year with World AIDS Day on December 1st “to show support for people living with HIV and to remember those who have died from AIDS-related illnesses.” 


“World AIDS Day remains as relevant today as it’s always been, reminding people and governments that HIV has not gone away. There is still a critical need for increased funding for the AIDS response, to increase awareness of the impact of HIV on people’s lives, to end stigma and discrimination and to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV.”

Health officials in the United States first became aware of AIDS as early as 1981, but for years to come, the Reagan administration and members of the press treated the epidemic as a joke, calling it “gay plague” and laughing about it in press briefings.


The misconception that AIDS only affected gay men allowed a largely homophobic public to disregard the gravity of the disease. By the time 1984 came to a close, AIDS had claimed the lives of over 3,500 people in the United States and infected thousands more.

Reagan himself wouldn’t publicly mention “AIDS” until the following year, a full two years after public health experts began begging for federal funding to research the epidemic.

Reagan’s successors to the presidency slowly began taking action to investigate and combat HIV (then known to be the cause of AIDS).


The treatments available for people living with HIV/AIDS have revolutionized what it means to have the disease. Today, people with HIV who receive appropriate treatment have a normal life expectancy.

“People living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy who have an undetectable level of HIV in their blood have no risk of transmitting HIV sexually.” This is the central message of the United Nations’ “Undetectable = Untransmittable” campaign.

Sources:,, &

November 2023: Native American Heritage Month

Pablo Foundation celebrates tribal sovereignty and identity through National Native American Heritage Month in November. We honor this land’s first inhabitants and the deep worth of their cultures, beliefs, and contributions to humanity.

Dr. Arthur Caswell Parker, a member of the Cattaraugus Seneca Tribe whose Seneca name was Gawasco Waneh, lead an effort which resulted in the State of New York marking the first American Indian Day in 1916 to recognize the “First Americans.” That designation eventually evolved into “National American Indian Heritage Month” beginning in 1990. Variants of the name include “Native American Heritage Month” and “National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month.”

Text reading: "Native American Heritage Month" with a photograph of a Native American family smiling at the camera
Text reading: “Terminology: United States: Both Native American and American Indian 'are acceptable and often used interchangeably.' Other Regions: Arctic: Inuit, Yup’ik, and Aleut (individual groups); Alaska Natives is also sometimes used. Canada: '[P]eople refer to themselves as First Nations, First Peoples, or Aboriginal.' Mexico, Central America, & South America: Spanish words indígena (Indigenous), comunidad (community), and pueblo (people)" Sources listed are National Museum of the Native American & US Bureau of Indian Affairs

There is no single Native American culture or language. The terminology used here provides general guidelines. “The best term is always what an individual person or tribal community uses to describe themselves. Replicate the terminology they use or ask what terms they prefer.”

Key Concepts from the National Museum of the Native American:

  • "American Indians are both individuals and members of a tribal group."

  • "For millennia, American Indians have shaped and been shaped by their culture and environment."

  • "Elders in each generation teach the next generation their values, traditions, and beliefs through their own tribal languages, social practices, arts, music, ceremonies, and customs."

  • "Kinship and extended family relationships have always been and continue to be essential in the shaping of American Indian cultures."

  • "American Indian cultures have always been dynamic and changing. Interactions with Europeans and Americans brought accelerated and often devastating changes to American Indian cultures."

  • "Native people continue to fight to maintain the integrity and viability of indigenous societies."

  • "American Indian history is one of cultural persistence, creative adaptation, renewal, and resilience."

  • "American Indians share many similarities with other indigenous people of the world, along with many differences."

Text reading: “Though anthropologists believe that humans have lived in what we now call the State of Wisconsin for over 12,000 years, ‘contemporary tribal historians resist such efforts to date human occupation of the area. According to the origin stories of most Indian nations in Wisconsin, the tribes have been here “from the beginning of time.”’” There is a 1925 photograph depicting Native Americans, possibly Winnebago, on rocks at the Dells of the Wisconsin River. Sources listed are: Indian Nations of Wisconsin by Dr. Patty Loew & Library of Congress

The land that the City of Eau Claire is on was once a meeting ground for the Ojibwe, the Dakota, and the Ho-Chunk Nations; the Ojibwe and Dakota in particular fought over the region for generations. The Ojibwe ceded land that included Eau Claire to the U.S. government in an 1837 treaty, the terms of which were formally betrayed by President Zachary Taylor in 1850. “In 1852, an Ojibwe delegation to Washington, D.C., led by 93-year-old Kechewaishke (known in English as Chief Buffalo), managed to convince the new president, Millard Fillmore, to reverse the order. Fillmore ultimately created the six Ojibwe reservations that still exist in northern Wisconsin.”

On November 16th, UWEC will host The Native Pride Dancers who “strive to educate and entertain audiences of all ages throughout the world about the beauty, skill, and majesty of Native American music and dance while creating a moving artistic experience that engages the audience.” For tickets and more information, visit


While this appears to be the only local event to mark Native American Heritage Month this year, you can find a schedule of multiple presentations and webinars through the Administration for Native Americans that will be available online at


Sources:, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Museum of the Native American, Indian Nations of Wisconsin by Dr. Patty Loew, Dr. Debra Barker, VolumeOne, Wisconsin Historical Society, UW-Eau Claire, & Administration for Native Americans

October 2023: Hispanic & Latine Heritage Month

We’re in the last few days of Hispanic & Latine Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15)!

“We know that just one descriptor can hardly capture the spirit and cultures of so many people who descend from a vast geography that includes present-day Southwestern U.S. states to the southern most tip of South America, and nearly every present-day country and island in between.” (


“Hispanic” typically refers to anyone from a Spanish-speaking country. (


“Latino” includes any Latin American regardless of language and can be more inclusive than “Hispanic.” “Latino” uses a masculine suffix to refer to any mixed-gender group. (


“Latinx” and “Latine” are gender-neutral alternatives for “Latino.” Unlike “Latinx,” which uses recent English conventions of “x” denoting gender neutrality, “Latine” follows Spanish conventions by using “e” as a gender-neutral ending. (

These terms are “in addition to the many more terms used for people who have families and ancestors in the 22 nations and territories that comprise Latin America.” (


“The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras[,] and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively... Día de la Raza, which is October 12, [also] falls within this 30 day period.” (


“Latino history is American history. Latinos trace their origins to Latin America and other Spanish colonies, both in the Caribbean and in the contemporary United States. These groups include, but are not limited to, Indigenous, Mestizos, Afro-Latinos, and other mixed-race people.” (


“Currently representing the largest ethnic minority in the country, Latinos have participated in the creation and growth of this nation well before it was named the United States. Complex stories of colonization, immigration, and slavery make Latino history an infinite source for inquiry and knowledge.” (


If you want to learn more, check out the article “Top 8 Reasons Why and How We Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month” by Emily Key and Adrián Aldaba published by the Smithsonian Learning Lab and the Smithsonian Latino Center.

September 2023: 42nd Annual Buckshot Run

Pablo Foundation is helping sponsor the 42nd Annual Buckshot Run for Special Olympics Wisconsin!

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This two- and five-mile walk/run at Carson Park helps support more than 1,000 Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes. The Buckshot Run will be held on Saturday, September 2nd, and you can find more details at

The Buckshot Run began in 1982 as the only race in Eau Claire, but it's grown to accommodate over 1,000 runners and walkers from around the country annually. The race got its name "Buckshot" after the nickname of Ron Buckli (then a sports writer for the Leader-Telegram) and was born out of Buckli's desire to see Eau Claire host a running race that would benefit a local charity for years to come.

You can also help support Special Olympics Wisconsin by visiting

August 2023: Chippewa Valley Multicultural Festival

Pablo Foundation is sponsoring the 2023 Chippewa Valley Multicultural Festival!

2023 Multicultural Festival.png

A community event free to the public, the festival will be held in Phoenix Park on Sunday, August 20th from 1 to 6 p.m. and will feature food trucks, performers, activities, and information.

Visit the event’s Facebook page at The festival is hosted by JONAH of the Chippewa Valley, Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association, and Welcoming New Neighbors: NW WI Immigrant Resettlement.

If you are interested in also “reserving a space to share a specific culture, mission outreach project, community organization information,” you can click here for the event’s Vendor Application and Guideline forms:

July 2023: Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month!


“Disability Pride Month celebrates disabled persons embracing their disabilities as integral parts of who they are, reclaiming visibility in public and interacting fully with their disabilities out in the open, and rejecting shame and internalized ableism." (American Bar Association)


Disabilities can be visible and invisible; they can be temporary or permanent. Disabilities can be intellectual, developmental, physical, cognitive, emotional, etc. Our understanding of "disability" is shaped by our societal context as well as psychological and medical knowledge.


People with disabilities have advocated for centuries to ensure their right to fully participate in society and lead fulfilling lives. This has required continued activism as social contexts have shifted over time.


Disability Pride is celebrated in July because it originated with the the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 33 years ago. Once enacted, this civil rights legislation prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities in many areas of public life.


As a work of legislation, the ADA uses "disability" as a legal term and not a medical one, so while it represents a groundbreaking advancement, the ADA's protection of people with disabilities is still limited in scope.

Disability Pride Flag.png

The Disability Pride Flag was created and revised by Ann Magill, who has cerebral palsy. She used feedback from people with a variety of disabilities to refine her original image. She also waived her copyright so everyone can use the design, which is in the public domain.

Melissa Blake, a disability expert, activist and social media influencer, writes, "So much of the language surrounding disability is misguided at best and downright rude and insulting at worst; it’s meant to make non-disabled people less uncomfortable, but it ends up hurting disabled people in the process."

"13 'Polite' Ways You're Talking About Disability That Are Actually Rude" by Sarene Leeds features recent interviews with Blake and other disability advocates in Reader's Digest. The article provides a lot of good starting points in learning how to communicate more respectfully with and about disabled people.

Sources: American Bar Association, Woman's Day, American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, ADA National Network, Ann Magill, University of Oregon, Reader’s Digest

June 2023: Pride Month

Happy Pride Month!


Eau Claire's annual Pride in the Park will take place on June 10, 2023, at Phoenix Park, hosted by the Chippewa Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center ( and sponsored in part by Pablo Foundation.


With the theme "Better in Color," Pride in the Park will feature "more than 50 vendor booths, food trucks, activities for all ages, and music and drag performances from local talent. [T]his event highlights the diversity, kindness, and passion that make the Chippewa Valley such a unique and wonderful place to live."

Each year, June marks LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, a celebration of both queer civil rights efforts and queer cultures. Pride Month began as a way to recognize the June 1969 Stonewall Uprising against anti-queer police brutality.

Though the Stonewall Uprising didn’t start the LGBTQIA+ civil rights movement, it was a galvanizing force for queer political activism and represents one of history’s first major protests on behalf of equal rights for queer people.


Today, Pride is a celebration that spans the globe, and while in most cities, the parades and marches are organized in June, some cities opt for other months.


Some corporations appropriate Pride for their own profit while cowering when allyship becomes even mildly inconvenient. "[R]ainbow-washing is when a company uses rainbow advertising during [J]une to suggest support for the LGBTQ community while putting in no tangible effort to help queer people at any other time of the year," writes Matt Bernstein (@mattxiv on Instagram).


Even as Pride Month has grown more expansive, inclusive, and accepted, threats against queer people continue. The last few years have seen state legislatures pursue a record number of bills that attack LGBTQIA+ rights, especially transgender youth.


While bigoted politicians and pundits use disinformation, violent rhetoric, and outright lies to justify their targeting of LGBTQIA+ children and adults, reality simply doesn't support their hate-filled claims.

Every major medical, psychological, and psychiatric professional organization in the United States agrees based on overwhelming scientific consensus that sexual orientation is multifaceted, that sex and gender are not binary, and that LGBTQIA+ individuals’ identities are valid, natural, and real.*

Let’s celebrate Pride Month and protect the rights and safety of LGBTQIA+ people together!


*Here are just a few of those organizations, comprised of hundreds of thousands of medical and mental health professionals: the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Endocrine Society, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Nursing, the American College of Emergency Physicians, the American College of Nurse-Midwives, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American College of Physicians, and the American Public Health Association.

May 2023: No Mow May

No Mow May is a campaign to protect food sources for early season pollinators. In January of 2023, the Eau Claire City Council voted to amend the existing city ordinance, allowing residents to abstain from mowing their lawns until June 1st.

May is an important time for flowers to bloom; their vital resources allow our pollinators to thrive. Pablo Foundation awarded grant funding to JONAH of the Chippewa Valley to support their local efforts regarding pollinator education.


Please consider participating in No Mow May this year and in the future.


You can learn more at

April 2023: Hmong Heritage Month

April is Hmong Heritage Month! To celebrate the depth and breadth of Hmong culture and history in Eau Claire and globally, please consider attending one of the many remarkable events below.

The Eau Claire Hmong Heritage Month logo was designed by Peevxwm Lauj.


April 10: Meet and Greet Event (Critical Hmong Studies Resource Center)

4–6 p.m.  |  Room 2138 of Vicki Lord Larson Hall (UW-Eau Claire)

April 13: Mason Her Qeej Performance (NCUR Conference)

4:30–5:30 p.m.  |  Schofield Auditorium of Schofield Hall (UW-Eau Claire)

April 21 & 22: Los Tsev (Home): Cia Siab, WI (special exhibit)

12–5:30 p.m.  |  L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library

This showcase comes from a grassroots collective of Hmong American scholars, advocates, organizers, artists, and community members from across the state of Wisconsin. For more information about this exhibit, please visit


April 24: ECASD Hmong Club’s Hmong Heritage Month Event

5–8 p.m.  |  North High School

“Please join us… to celebrate and learn more about Hmong culture and appreciation of Hmong Youth Community.”

April 26: Hmong Banquet

5–7 p.m.  |  Dakota and Alumni rooms of Davies Center (UW-Eau Claire)


April 28: Hmong Heritage Month Gala

5–11 p.m.  |  The Lismore Hotel

Hosted by Black & Brown Womyn Power Coalition, the gala aims “to bring together communities in the Chippewa Valley area to build and create relationships with Hmong families and each other, [to] honor the achievements of the collective Hmong community, and to celebrate the diversity that the Hmong culture brings to this area.” See or for more information.

April 26: Hmong Banquet

5–7 p.m.  |  Dakota and Alumni rooms of Davies Center (UW-Eau Claire)


April 28: Hmong Heritage Month Gala

5–11 p.m.  |  The Lismore Hotel

Hosted by Black & Brown Womyn Power Coalition, the gala aims “to bring together communities in the Chippewa Valley area to build and create relationships with Hmong families and each other, [to] honor the achievements of the collective Hmong community, and to celebrate the diversity that the Hmong culture brings to this area.” See or for more information.


April 29: Hmonger Games (UW-Eau Claire Hmong Living Community)

UW-Eau Claire


You can find information about Hmong Heritage Month events at UW-Eau Claire at

March 2023: Black History Month Gala

In honor of Black History Month, Pablo Foundation sponsored the inaugural Black History Month Gala, which was a result of the collaborative efforts of Black & Brown Womyn Power Coalition, Power Up Eau Claire, and Power of Perception. This celebration of Black history and culture included a keynote speech by Anthony Wallace as well as a cocktail hour, dinner, speakers, performances, a silent auction, music, and dancing.

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Photos used with permission of FILMTROVERSE Productions


We are thankful to have been able to connect in person with so many of our non-profit partners, table guests, and community leaders at this inspirational event and look forward to a tradition of celebrating Blackness in our community and world.

February 2023: Dr. Jelani Cobb Lecture

Eminent scholar Dr. Jelani Cobb will present “The Half-Life of Freedom: Race and Justice in America Today” on Wednesday, February 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ojibwa Ballroom of UWEC’s Davies Center.

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Per UWEC’s events page, "Jelani Cobb is a staff writer at The New Yorker, writing on race, history, justice, politics, and democracy, as well as Columbia University’s Ira A. Lipman Professor of Journalism and Dean of Columbia Journalism School. He recently co-edited The Matter of Black Lives, a collection of The New Yorker’s most ground-breaking writing on Black history and culture in America, featuring the work of legendary writers like James Baldwin and Toni Morrison.”

Sponsored in part by Pablo Foundation, this Martin Mogensen Education Lecture (rescheduled from last fall) is presented as a special event of The Forum and Racing Toward Justice series. Please reserve your free in-person or virtual tickets in advance by visiting

January 2023: Dolly Parton's Imagination Library


“She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.” - Annie Dillard

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library has partnered with the Family Resource Center to bring a free book each and every month to children from birth to age five. Serving Eau Claire and Dunn Counties, this program helps kids thrive and helps improve kindergarten readiness.


With the support of Pablo Foundation and community members’ donations, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library stands to make a profound difference in our youngest neighbors’ lives.


Consider giving your own gift of any amount at

December 2022: Children's Museum of Eau Claire


Pablo Foundation was thrilled to tour the nearly completed Children’s Museum of Eau Claire. Their thoughtful planning has lead to a powerfully connective place to play and learn for kids, and we felt privileged to get a preview.

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The new Children’s Museum of Eau Claire approaches kids’ experience holistically, from mind to body to community, and their expanded programming and carbon-neutral environmental impact will help strengthen Eau Claire.

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In addition to purchasing day passes, families can also become members of the children’s museum, and memberships can even be purchased as gifts. To learn more, visit

November 2022: Feed My People Food Bank


Our executive director, MaiVue Xiong, and our grants and communications administrator, Zach Schultz-Bates, visited Feed My People Food Bank in mid-November to see their nearly-completed Hunger Action Center (which won grant funding from Pablo Foundation) and brainstorm with a few of their dedicated and passionate staff members.

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Partnering with organizations like Feed My People Food Bank helps move our community toward sustainable long-term solutions to some of our most pressing challenges.

Visit their website at to learn more about how you can help make a difference.

October 2022: Menomonie Market Food Co-op

At the mid-October groundbreaking ceremony for Menomonie Market Food Co-op’s forthcoming 14,000 square-foot store on the corner of North Barstow and Galloway, the folks who gathered expressed a strong and passionate sense of community.

Four photographs of an outdoor construction site feature people with shovels, people gathered around a tent, construction equipment, and a person speaking at a microphone. In the center of the collage is the logo for Menomonie Market Food Co-op.

MMFC General Manager Crystal Halvorson celebrated the history of the Market and this expansion project, which will greatly increase the Market’s capacity to positively impact Eau Claire since merging with Just Local Food in 2021.


The Pablo Foundation is a proud Menomonie Market Food Co-op member and is excited to be part of the exciting changes MMFC will be bringing to our community. We invite you to join us in this journey by also becoming a co-op member!

September 2022: HERE Conference

The Pablo Foundation is proud to have sponsored the first HMong Economic Advancement, Research, and Equity (HERE) Conference.

Hosted by HMong American Leadership & Economic Development (HALED), the HERE Conference was held in September 2022 at the Pablo Center at the Confluence in Eau Claire, WI.


The conference provided attendees from around the country with networking opportunities, entrepreneurial tools, and engaging discussions to foster participants’ professional development.

With 18 workshops, roundtables, and keynotes across six breakout sessions, the first two days of the conference connected participants with each other, with mentors, and with resources and concluded with a banquet.


The summit featured research findings, a summit panel discussion, and breakout groups, culminating in planning actions and timelines for growth.


The HERE Conference was supported by organizations across Wisconsin and the nation.


Learn more at

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August 2022: Hike for the Homeless

Pablo Foundation is a proud sponsor of the 19th annual Hike for the Homeless, which was held on August 16, 2022.

Hike for the Homeless Sponsor: Pablo Foundation

Hike for the Homeless benefits Beacon House Family Shelter in Eau Claire. In 2021, Beacon House provided:

  • Emergency shelter, meals, and hospitality to 34 families with children

  • 4,346 nights of shelter

  • Case management to support families transitioning from homelessness to maintain independent housing

  • Home furnishings for 10 families

  • 13,038 meals

  • 1,742 volunteer hours

To learn more about Family Promise and Beacon House, click here.

131 S. Barstow St.

Suite 202 ● PMB 1603

Eau Claire, WI 54701

© 2025 Pablo Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Title ▪︎ February 17, 2025

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